Sunday, May 17, 2020

The governance of freebies

With all the hullabaloo going over the financial package announced by our honourable Prime Minister, there are some people/parties who have asked or recommended or commented to hand over money to people directly as a part of the package.

Irrespective of my current financial status I believe this is absolute stupidity or blatant mass pacifist politics. A person has to earn his daily bread by doing his job. It may be running a ministry or un-clogging sewers. There is dignity of labour in whosoever strives to earn his livelihood by whatever means within the constructs of law and labour. 

When you start giving money instead of “help” you tend to wither the self respect and independence that someone has built up and he looks forward to such situations every-time it’s suggested or presented.

Instead, make people believe in the power of humanity, the power of nationalism, the power of oneness, the power of brotherhood, the power of “US”. Aid them in food, shelter, transportation, work, medical facilities. Make them believe that the system is there to take care of them in times of adversity. Let them know they are not alone in facing it. But also let them know that we’ll fight together. Be their wingman, be the brother, sister, father, daughter or any other role that can keep up their self-respect, their self-esteem.

Freebies only encourage free loaders. We don’t need to be a nation of free loaders. We need to be a nation of Free thinkers !!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


There's a constant struggle within me to wake up early in the morning (4:00 a.m) though I know the benefits of waking up that early, going for a run/workout and returning to peaceful meditative music.
I feel supercharged and at super peace when I actually acheive that. A small piece from my mind related to the struggle therein ...


The alrams bell's ringing,
the devil in me is singing,
"sleep well, sleep well"
for you need to rest some more,
for a big day"
the angel struggles,
faint voice, "today is the day,
when the mind has to sway..
the morning birds call upon you,
the stars bid you farewell,
you need to run, you need to sweat,
you need to inhale,
what nature breathes in you,
before it suffocates."
As I wake up to the rising sun,
sleep off my head I shake,
be-friending the angel,
I'm awake I'm awake...

I'm at peace...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A perfect ending ...

This is from one of the mails which my wife sends every morning to me... Couldnt resist sharing it ..

Friday, December 5, 2008

My Love Story

A very good morning to one and all
I’ll tell you my story of love, so tall
a mix of emotions, a series of dates
oh when i met her, my heart opened the gates

the times in our office,
the times of fun and play
the moments are frozen,
for eternity i say ….

then it happened, I had to leave
across the seven seas, I started to grieve
boy, how i missed her, and did she
driven to insanity, her and me ….

then i did come back, after so much torture
my heart the bulls eye, the pain the archer
only to find out, she had to leave
oh lord, we can’t do it again, please !!

finally defeated, I gave away my faith
searching for hope, I wait I wait ..
another 3 months and she was back
happier moments in full on attack..

25th April, was the day we did marry
look what I have now, none less than a fairy
she loves she cares, like no other being
lucky to have her, what a wonderful feeling

now that we're one and no one can break us
dare he, dare she, not even god can shake us
such a wonderful feeling, love and glory
I truly wish everyone, my own love story


The tantrums you throw,
The tears you flow,
Full of frustration,
Why so much tension??

The world is hostile,
Trying to suppress you smile,
Why the hell should you,
When 24/7 could you ….

Your work, your office,
Takes away your solace,
Your coffee and friends,
Put a smile on your face…

What matters in the end,
Is how you can handle,
The cruelest of times,
As smooth as sandal

He wishes, he misses,
All those hugs and kisses
Only time will heal
His hearts deep bruises

So talk to your husband
As a best friend
He will reciprocate..
Even after his end ..


Oh when I woke up, the birds were chirping
Oh when I woke up, horns were blaring

In the cacophony of such sounds
all I could think of, your cheeks so round,

your hair so wet,
your eyes so bright,
isnt it a delicacy
such a wonderful sight

then the thoughts were put aside
I took out the pic which I hid all night
under the pillow, for my dream
your skin so soft like whipped cream

I rushed to get ready for my bus ..
let me introduce some hindi .. Ab Bas !!

whats the use of so much earning,
when you spend your day, for your beloved, yearning ..
7 oceans apart they say,
seems more like 7 lives today ..

Oh when am I gonna see you my dear love,
I keep praying daily to the guy above...

enough is enough, lord,end my plight
all i need now is my darling by my side...
and some moonlight ...... :-)

Forgive me..

its aching,its paining
and my eyes are badly raining

im sorry that i let you go,
im sorry that hurt you so

deep within me lady,
I curse myself for my apathy

full of anger and head rush
I feel the soul within me crush

some words that I should never utter
that fact that i said them makes me shudder

will I always be like this,
well no,I certainly hope then death will be a bliss

whenever you feel like im hurting you,
im not pushing myself away from you

its only that im so flawed,
i think its worse when im here and your abroad

I know ive done so much damage
that theres nothing left of my first image

in the end theres guilt n suffer
and i shall repent if needed forever

I only pray that you be patient with me
and forgive me,then rest would be history

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bottomline ...

An excerpt from a very beautiful article by Vir Sanghvi, a columnist in Hindustan times .. This one really hit me hard and got me thinking .. I guess all of us (Indians) should at least ponder over the idea and message behind this article.

"I reckon we should hold a referendum in the Valley. Let the Kashmiris determine their own destiny. If they want to stay in India, they are welcome. But if they don’t, then we have no moral right to force them to remain. If they vote for integration with Pakistan, all this will mean is that Azad Kashmir will gain a little more territory. If they opt for independence, they will last for about 15 minutes without the billions that India has showered on them. But it will be their decision.

Whatever happens, how can India lose? If you believe in democracy, then giving Kashmiris the right to self-determination is the correct thing to do. And even if you don’t, surely we will be better off being rid of this constant, painful strain on our resources, our lives, and our honour as a nation?

This is India’s century. We have the world to conquer — and the means to do it. Kashmir is a 20th century problem. We cannot let it drag us down and bleed us as we assume our rightful place in the world.

It’s time to think the unthinkable."

The entire article can be found here : "Think the Unthinkable".

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


This post consists of a series of words that u'd probably hear in the 8 working hours of "our" beloved company ... Apologies if it doesnt kick u good ..

arrey bhai,dude,makada,tanaka,jaara-aara,bole,pet tight hai,kya bakwas hai,chor shaale,aaya govinda aaya,"I reject you,because you are a rejected person"(courtesy JIMMY),bhook lagra,shit(actually referred to 'sheet' by the speaker),kyaa rrre,what I mean is,cholegi,"kya saab","Ya Ya Ya ..u have to - it is your responsibility" (on being asked to drill a hole in water) :-).

Will edit the post if I find some more,which I will after its reviewed by the contributors :-)

And we have our first by Mr.dreamcatcher :-) :

Hellooooooo, Basically.., saab, g#$%iye, jaan pe aa raha hai, broker se milne jaana hai, ahg ahg :),CHAACH and AAACHAR ...

Keep em coming ..

Heres from our own Punk : "bas 3 mahine aur...","wo bole ki bole :)"

This is getting better and better :-),this , from our own "Sir" :
Hi s*deep...(the famous inturrupt signal), pok'e'r.. (pronounced with the right nasal passage blocked and a frog in the throat), bahuut achchhe, fundoooo yaar!!(as if more o'es will earn him a million $), hum toh p'A'hle hi kAh rahe the (Laloo ishtlye)..., dAd-mom(beleive me,the A is supposed to be pronounced like the "a" in "awk", "AAk" (techies, this is the famous TCP "ack" msg , and you thought that the code was crashing !!) ...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Having a blast ...

We came home this evening after a visit to my wife's Infosys campus, my office,Dagdu Seth and a shopping spree @Pune central.. After an hours slumber we got up and were having tea .. 7.30 p.m or thereabouts ..

My brother was on a call when he suddenly exclaimed "there have been serial bomb blasts in Ahmedabad".I guess his friend who was on call had told him.. I was like "what da f**k ??"

I dashed for the tv remote, switched it on,tuned into ndtv news .."Breaking News .. 16 minor Blasts in Ahmedabad".. All of us were instantaneously glued to the set ..

For the next ten minutes no one spoke ..there was one fatality and several injured in the blasts .. i scanned through the remaining news channels ..CNN IBN ..India tv Star news .. trying to fathom the depth of the situation ..the next twenty minutes just saw an increase in the deaths,about 17 of them and a 100 injured.

Mixed with feelings of anger,disgust,disgrace,pity,empathy,shame I pondered about the situation of an Indian citizen ..How safe was he when he leaves his place for work,for lunch,for shopping,for buying vegetables even.Just yesterday there were 6-7 blasts in Bangalore,India's present silicon valley.And now Ahmedabad,the most sensitive city on communal grounds..From the looks and inferences,it was a meticulously planned act, some spokesperson also attributed it to be the work of an islamic students outfit SIMI.No one knows who has done it actually and I'm sure no one will find out and be convicted,as our history suggests.Besides,instead of the gardener cutting the root of the weed,hes just gonna trim the leaves and water it to ensure his job is still in place.

Whatever be the case,which world are we living in today?? a world of terror,fright, politics,inflation ...Post 2000 the graph is sky-rocketing to an inevitable implosion of human existence as a consequence of such activities by people of stained souls,lustful minds and misguided brains.Excellent examples in "Khuda ke Liye" and "Aamir".

But what do we do ? We watch the movies,debate and again get in line for the rat race on Monday mornings .. you never attempt to contribute even a nano-eth for a corrective action.Yes reactions aplenty but no further action.And then after a week or a month of the event we are all set for the weekend party.Shiny clothes,friends and alcohol..rockin music ...

Have a blast my friend ..